Welcome to the Steve's Community
The sneakers that unites your story to ours
Our Next Gen
There Our community is an open space to anyone who wants to tell their story and share their commitment to a better future.
Here you find the NEXTGEN series video, where young visionaries, like us, are innovating professional sectors and life choices with courage and creativity.
By clicking on the images you can listen to our stories, and be part of them too.
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Highlights of the press
"The startup that creates luxury shoes from food waste is from Turin."
Evening Courier
"Two stores are about to open, but pop-up stores in La Rinascente stores are already operating at full capacity."
Milan Finance
"Among Steve's first collaborators was the historic Piedmontese shoe factory BIMAC."
StartUp Italy
"Luxury and fashion, possibly in an eco-sustainable way. We can also see this way the adventure of two brothers from Turin and their footwear startup that has now made an agreement with the giant of luxury yachts made in Italy, namely Azimut."
Turin Chronicle
"Steve's has sold over 500 pairs of sneakers, reaching customers not only in Italy, but also abroad."
Piedmontese Daily